Exitus Volume III The Future
Hilarious Black Comedy Sci-fi Thriller
Coming back from the dead would be a welcome relief, right? But our still unlikely hero, Rik Wallace, doesn’t think so when he finds himself alive again after half a century in a freezer on the dark side of the moon.
Wallace awakens in a future world where tensions between plain old humans – many of whom are disturbingly familiar to him – and increasingly disgruntled robots are exacerbated by the introduction of a line of synthetic people that both sides seem to resent. Worse still, Wallace is forced to become the world’s leading philosophical authority on who qualifies to be human. Add a megalomanic computer program and a serial killer into the mix, and it seems that even in a world where death is largely redundant, the body count around Rik Wallace increases with alarming regularity.
In this final instalment of the Exitus series, contested identities lead to absurd confusions. In the end, can Wallace escape the world of demi-immortals and return to his old life to, once and for all, embrace his own mortality?